JacobianGenerator v2.0 is now available
- 29 August, 2019
A tool to generate program to calculate Jacobian Matrix of CellML files is now available. The tool contains program for calculating equilibrium point of CellML files which uses Jacobian Matrix.
ODE version 2.0.0 is now available
- 13 November, 2015
Version 2.0.0 for ODE is now available. This version only supports ODE mode with with new feature of generating module for Visual Basic e-Heart package and simBio platform.
ODE version 1.0.10 is now available
- 26 June, 2015
11 June, 2015 Version 1.0.1- for ODE is now available. This version only supports ODE mode with bug fix on parameter study support.
ODE version 1.0.8 is now available
- 11 June, 2015
Version 1.0.8 for ODE is now available. This version only supports ODE mode.