how to use (Jacobian Generator)
- Installation of Jacobian Generator version
- Download JacobianGenerator zip file ( from the download page.
- You can get jar file (jacobianGenerator_v2.0.jar) file by unzipping the file.
- how to use
- jacobianGetter (Jacobian Matrix element calculation program) generator
Run JacobianGenerator.jar with arguments which corresponds to “output language”, “JGML filename”, “output directory name”, “output file name”.
ex) java -jar JacobianGenerator.jar -C FHN.jgml output FHN.c
(output language: -C, JGML filename: FHN.jgml, output directory name: output, output file name: FHN.c) - outputs
Three different programs (type0, type1 and type2) are generated. These three program have different form of Jacobian Matrix element calculation function because of the C compiler limitation for the maximum line number of one function.- type 0
obtain elements of Jacobian Matrix by branching the execution line by the row and column number of the Matrix element.
ex) output getJacobiElement function of type 0double getJacobiElement ( int n , int m , Variable* var ) { double jacobiElement; if(n==0&&m==0){ get_cellml0_MainMain_ddxdtdx(var); jacobiElement=var->cellml0_MainMain_ddxdtdx; } if(n==0&&m==1){ get_cellml0_MainMain_ddxdtdy(var); jacobiElement=var->cellml0_MainMain_ddxdtdy; } if(n==1&&m==0){ get_cellml0_MainMain_ddydtdx(var); jacobiElement=var->cellml0_MainMain_ddydtdx; } if(n==1&&m==1){ get_cellml0_MainMain_ddydtdy(var); jacobiElement=var->cellml0_MainMain_ddydtdy; } return jacobiElement; }
- type 1
Different functions are provided for each row of Jacobian Matrix.
ex) output getJacobiElement function of type 1double getJacobiElement ( int n , int m , Variable* var ) { if(n==0) return getJacobiElement0_N(m,var); if(n==1) return getJacobiElement1_N(m,var); } double getJacobiElement0_N ( int m , Variable* var ) { double jacobiElement; if(m==0){ get_cellml0_MainMain_ddxdtdx(var); jacobiElement=var->cellml0_MainMain_ddxdtdx; } if(m==1){ get_cellml0_MainMain_ddxdtdy(var); jacobiElement=var->cellml0_MainMain_ddxdtdy; } return jacobiElement; } double getJacobiElement1_N ( int m , Variable* var ) { double jacobiElement; if(m==0){ get_cellml0_MainMain_ddydtdx(var); jacobiElement=var->cellml0_MainMain_ddydtdx; } if(m==1){ get_cellml0_MainMain_ddydtdy(var); jacobiElement=var->cellml0_MainMain_ddydtdy; } return jacobiElement; }
- type 2
Different functions are provided for every row and column number of Jacobian Matrix.
ex) output getJacobiElement function of type 2double getJacobiElement0_0 ( Variable* var ) { double jacobiElement; get_cellml0_MainMain_ddxdtdx(var); jacobiElement=var->cellml0_MainMain_ddxdtdx; return jacobiElement; } double getJacobiElement0_1 ( Variable* var ) { double jacobiElement; get_cellml0_MainMain_ddxdtdy(var); jacobiElement=var->cellml0_MainMain_ddxdtdy; return jacobiElement; } double getJacobiElement1_0 ( Variable* var ) { double jacobiElement; get_cellml0_MainMain_ddydtdx(var); jacobiElement=var->cellml0_MainMain_ddydtdx; return jacobiElement; } double getJacobiElement1_1 ( Variable* var ) { double jacobiElement; get_cellml0_MainMain_ddydtdy(var); jacobiElement=var->cellml0_MainMain_ddydtdy; return jacobiElement; }
- type 0
- Brief explanation of jacobianGetter program code generated by the system
1.correspondence between the element number and the variable names
denomVar List
cellml0.Main.x 0
cellml0.Main.y 1
numerVar List
cellml0.Main.dxdt 0
cellml0.Main.dydt 1
J(0,0)=d(dxdt)/dx J(0,1)=d(dxdt)/dy
J(1,0)=d(dydt)/dx J(1,1)=d(dydt)/dy
2.struct variable
3.main function
4.getJacobianElement function
- jacobianGetter (Jacobian Matrix element calculation program) generator
- Jacobian Generator Example usage
How to execute jacobianGetter
・OpenBLAS…1.13 BSD version
2.example execution command line to compile
・calculation of equilibrium point
gcc FHN.c linearSolver.c
・calculation of eigen values
gcc FHN.c linearSolver.c getEigenValue.c lapack-release\lib\liblapack.a OpenBLAS\lib\libopenblas.a -lgfortran
note: LAPACK and OpenBLAS are necessary to calculate eigen values. optine “-lgforntran” is also necessary.